I made a documentary
This has been a passion project of mine that has really gotten the best of me for a couple years now. I started shooting for the project officially in 2018, but was unknowingly collecting media for it as far back as 2016.
What is the documentary about?
I met a guy who happened to be my co-workers husband who had started to give out skateboards to kids for free. A local news story was done on him and that’s what got my attention. At that point he has only given away 12-17 skateboards. And in the early days of this project he was collecting used, worn, old boards and piecing them together to give out.
As of now Rodney has given away upwards of 3000 boards and for many of the recent years he has transitioned into all new gear. So kids will receive a new board with new wheels etc.
Click the image below if you’d like to watch it. Leave a comment with your thoughts on it.

I decided to share this on my film photo site because the poster/thumbnail I used to make it was from a box of photos I got from the subject of my doc, and I scanned all of them in to use as archival media.
My favorite was the one used and I think it looks great with some levels and saturation added. Here is the RAW scan below.
I’m very sure this was taken on a disposable camera from the 90s.

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